NightLive Vision
The NightLive Vision Leipzig project, funded by the EU Commission, started in February 2021 under the leadership of LiveKommbinats Leipzig e.V. with the aim of strengthening small and medium-sized music venues in Leipzig.

Contents & Goals
The NightLive Vision Leipzig project, funded by the EU Commission, started in February 2021 under the leadership of LiveKommbinats Leipzig e.V. with the aim of strengthening small and medium-sized music venues in Leipzig.
The project was implemented together with the venue Noch Besser Leben and the Landesverband der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Sachsen e.V.. The project was also supported by the Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Leipzig.
NightLive Vision Leipzig aimed to create a sustainable environment for small music venues in one of Europe’s most vibrant music cities in post-Corona times. The project served to further develop the activities of the city’s venue network – Livekommbinat Leipzig e.V. – and to make results available to other networks.
The implemented actions focused on transnational knowledge exchange, e.g. by visiting Tallinn Music Week, searching for sustainable ways of venue operation, communicating with political and administrative decision makers:inside on needs of live music venues, and creating visibility of venues in the cultural, creative and economic sphere of influence.
Leipzig’s music venues were thus empowered to maintain their contribution to cultural diversity and their function as a platform for young and emerging artists:inside and to promote business development in an increasingly complex environment.
The project was implemented within the framework of the Co-operation of Small Music Venues call for proposals of the CREATIVE EUROPE program of the European Union.