Board & Office

The Landesverband der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Sachsen e.V. is represented on the board by the municipal industry associations in Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig.

Mitgliedsverband Kreatives Chemnitz

Lars Fassmann

Lars Fassmann represents the member association Kreatives Chemnitz on the board.

The Chemnitz native is a software entrepreneur and has been a member of the board since the founding of the Landesverband der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Sachsen e.V., is also a board member of Kreatives Chemnitz, and is also a founding member and board member of Kreative Deutschland, the federal association of the cultural and creative industries in Germany.
Lars Fassmann studied business informatics at the Technical University of Chemnitz. In 1997, he founded chemmedia AG, a software company with 60 employees today, which carries out international educational and marketing projects and builds Internet-based knowledge networks.
Since 2007 Lars Fassmann supports the art festival Begehungen in Chemnitz. Since 2010, the Sonnenberg district of Chemnitz has been revitalized through his support. There, in a former building office, about 1000 sqm for cultural and creative workers were created, which include the ,,Klub Solitaer”, the ,,Lokomov”, the stage ,,Komplex” and other studios and offices. Other buildings were converted into coworking spaces, apartments, a music club and printmaking workshops.

Mitgliedsverband Wir gestalten Dresden

Martin Fiedler

Martin represents the member association Wir gestalten Dresden on the board.

The Dresden-based designer has been a member of the board since the founding of the Landesverband der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Sachsen e.V. and is also a board member of Wir gestalten Dresden.
Martin Fiedler studied product design and industrial design at the HTW Dresden (DE) and the IKDC in Lund (SE). After working stays in Berlin and Barcelona, he has been part of the design office neongrau since 2007, since 2011 as managing partner. The company has received multiple awards at the German Design Award, IF, Focus Open Award and the Saxon State Award for Design.
As part of Ljnk neonworx, he runs a Creative Business Center at Kraftwerk Mitte Dresden and a Co-Innovation Campus in Dresden’s Neustadt district and advises companies, project developers and public project sponsors on coworking, operator and utilization concepts.

Porträt Jakob Jochmann mit kurzen Haaren leicht lächelnd im Anzug und mit Krawatte

Mitgliedsverband Kreatives Leipzig

Jakob Jochmann

Jakob Jochmann represents the member association Kreatives Leipzig e.V. on the board.

He has been a member of the board of the Landesverband der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Sachsen e.V. since 2024 and a representative of Kreatives Leipzig e.V. on the board of the umbrella organisation Kreative Deutschland since 2022.
With his company, Jakob conducts experiments as a communication architect for various industries and implements the findings in the consulting business and in creative solutions. He has studied pretty much everything there is to know about communication, enjoys forging alliances for collaborative cross-innovation projects and builds financing vehicles for the shared desire for creativity.

Kontakt in die Geschäftstelle

Wiebke Bickhardt

Landesverband der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Sachsen e.V.


Profilbild Stephanie Engler mit rotem Blazer und zusammengebundenen Haaren und breitem Lächeln

Stefanie Engler

Landesverband der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Sachsen e.V.
